Free Shipping on orders within Canada above $249
Currently TrailFare can not be shipped outside of British Columbia due to CFIA regulations regarding inter-provincial trade in meat products. Due to this we are unable to ship this item online and it must be selected for in store pick up only. Alternatively please contact us directly at (250) 877 7744 to discuss Courier options at customers expense.
TrailFare a small, family owned and operated business located in Vanderhoof, BC. Be it multi-day treks, hiking the local mountains, or paddling one of the many pristine lakes of central BC, the outdoors are their passion. They understand having nutritious meals ready to go and quick to prepare let you focus on the adventure. TrailFare freeze dried meals are substantial (and taste great!) for a more enjoyable experience and better performance.
Its hard to beat a hot breakfast to get you up and going in the morning and our scrambled eggs will fit the bill! Each pouch contains four eggs plus a generous topping of our in-house Italian seasoned pork sausage, fried onions and peppers, and real Parmesan cheese. Enough to keep you going on a long trek or share it with a friend. Ready in 10 minutes and no time lost on clean up!
Ready in 10 minutes and as the meal can be prepared simply by adding boiling water to the pouch there is no time lost on clean up!